Delivery Policy
Anonymity is not guaranteed on any orders
Same Day Delivery
If you order by 2:00 pm in the recipient's time zone, we can typically deliver the flowers the same day Monday through Friday. For same day service on the weekend please order by 11:00 am on Saturday.
Specific Times
We are unable to guarantee delivery at a specific time, however you may request a time frame in the special instruction box when ordering and we will do our best to accommodate your request.
If no one is home
Depending on the delivery location and weather, if the recipient is not available at the time of delivery, the delivery person may leave the gift in a safe place or with a neighbor for the recipient to retrieve when they return. This decision will be at the descretion of our experienced delivery personnel.
Incorrect Addresses
If the recipient's address is incorrect and delivery was attempted to the address, there is a $10 address correction fee. Cherry Blossom Floral Design is not responsible for deliveries made to incorrect addresses submitted to us by the customer. If such a delivery is made, the customer assumes responsibility for the entire purchase.
Canceling an Order
Same-day orders are processed immediately, and usually cannot be changed. Due to the urgent nature of florist delivered products we are unable to cancel or change orders already in process at the florist, en route or delivered. To cancel or change an order that has not been processed, please call (603)444-1015.
Recipient may be contacted
The recipient maybe contacted to ensure s/he will be home to accept the delivery.
Inclimate Weather
The decision to deliver during inclimate weather will be left to the discretion of the delivery personnel. Delivery addresses considered impassible, unplowed or unshoveled will be postpond until residence or business is accessible.
Request to leave item at door
The customer assumes all liability for requests to leave arrangements. We highly discourage special instructions requesting delivery to a doorstep, porch, yard or any location where the recipient cannot accept the arrangement themselves. We cannot be held responsible for missing or faulty product due to this special request.
Recipient refusal of delivery
If the recipient refuses to accept a delivery, you may be held fully liable for the cost of the gift.
Card Messages
The message that you write in the Card Message field is the message that is sent with the gift. We do not include any billing information with your order.